The Fixers
A collaborative film series about democratic process, public policy and who tells Cleveland's story during the 2016 RNC.
During the 2016 Republican National Convention, Cleveland expects:
50,000 visitors
10 billion media hits
$250,000 in direct spending

Cleveland was the 5th largest city in the U.S. when it last hosted a Convention in 1936. Now 48th, and the most economically distressed city in the nation, Cleveland struggles to maintain viable infrastructure.
Significant investments are being made, both from the top down and the bottom up, to help Cleveland rebound into vitality, and many cite the 2016 RNC is evidence of a Cleveland comeback:
But there is a more complex story here.
Most RNC traffic will be concentrated in a small section of downtown Cleveland—the recent recipient of $4 billion in development dollars.
What will delegates and journalists be missing if they stay within Cleveland’s tourist districts? What could the rest of Cleveland tell political decision-makers about how public policy is impacting urban Americans?
The Fixers is a collaborative public art project asking just that.
In journalism, a fixer is a well-networked local who helps a foreign journalist find quick entry into a story, by translating for them and introducing them to people who are in the know.
The Fixers has sought out Clevelanders who operate like fixers. People who work within large social networks to build Cleveland’s vitality, and social and economic equity.
We asked these fixers what tour of Cleveland they would give RNC delegates if they had the chance.
Their tours were documented in a series of short films, being released serially from May 20 – July 21, 2016. Each release is being accompanied by screenings and public dialogues around Cleveland.
Who's Involved
In Loving Memory of Dave Wright
Lead Artist
Kate Sopko (Cleveland, OH) is an installation and collage artist, author and facilitator who constructs social experiments to spark public dialogues and incubate new cultural practices. She's drawn to art work that skates the edge between social transformation and public art, finding this edge to be a place where the impossible can become possible.
Production team Angela Beallor and Elizabeth Press live and work in Troy, NY. A Cleveland native, Beallor works in photo and video to explore history, memory and politics.
Tom Laffay is native Cleveland documentary filmmaker, visual journalist and human rights activist.
Robert Banks is an experimental filmmaker, freelance cinematographer and photographer working in Cleveland for over 25 years.
Paul Sobota is a Cleveland-based videographer, photographer and fine artist who blends his fine art with commercial photography.
Chelsie Corso is a Cleveland based photographer and videographer, and is now focusing her time on producing documentaries and incorporating storytelling into businesses.
The Fixers
Stay tuned to find out who the Fixers are, as we continue shooting these films through this spring.
Other Supporters
The Ida B. Wells Foundation
Saint Luke's Foundation
Trinity Cathedral
United Labor Agency
Event Partners
Social Justice Institute
Stonebrook Montessori
Cleveland Public Library
North Union Farmers' Market
Bop Stop at the Music Settlement
Cleveland Nonviolence Network
Angel Donor
Bill & Susie Kirchner
Hatchfund Supporters
Amber Anderson
Emily Bass
David Beach
Angela Beallor
Shawn Belt
Carwil Bjork-James
April Bleakney
Chelsea Boyle
Christine Haldiman Brock
Steve Cagan
John Carlson
Etta Cetera
Ian Charnas
Davey Connor & Angelina Rugghia
Patrick Coy
Tara Cronin
Jeff Curtis
Moyra Davey
Daniel DeAngelo
Nikki Delamotte
Kara DePaul
Ryan DeBiase
Brady Dindia
Kerry Downey
Melinda Elwood
Elizabeth Emery & Evan Wachs
Theodore Ferringer
Michael Foley
Kenneth Frisof
Shawn Golnick
Laura and Justin Gorski
Amy Hanauer & Mark Cassell
Dawn Hanson
Danielle Hayes
John Henry
Kristofer Hermes
Samuel Householder
Jonathan Hull
Allison Hurley
Ryan Jaenke
Wendy Johnson
Janet Jones
Kris Keniray
Jocelyn Kirkwood
Jessica Koppen
Gene Kotrba
Anya Kulcsar
Martha Loughridge
Christopher Lynn
Terry Mach
Adrian Marti
Aurora Martinez
Brad Masi
Liz Maugans
Mary Mazzer
Kathleen McDermott
John McGovern
Jesse McGuinness
Deidre McPherson
Terrence Metter
Jason Milburn
Jason Minter
Samuel Morrison
Madsen Minax
Michael Mishaga
Molly Murray
Grace Needlman
Emily Ordway
Justin Palmer
Alison Pebworth
Mark & Judy Pestak
Senem Pirler
Carrie Pleasants
Heidi Prenevost
Paul Qaysi
Jayce Renner
Iris Rodriguez
Tristine Rogers
Lara Roketenetz & Josh Koppen
Greg Ruffing
Zachary Schiller
Kristen Schmidt
Diana Sette
Akshai Singh
Brian Six
Corrie Slawson & Marc Lefkowitz
Kathy Smith
Vic & Karen Sopko
Stephanie & Barry Spence
Gwen Stembridge
Deborah Tanenbaum
Sally Tatnall
Christina Vassallo
Erin Vokes
Wake Robin Fermented Foods
Shari Wilkins
Melanie Wilson
Katherine Wolf
Fabiana Viso
Kaela Geschke
Emily Bass
Victoria Kereszi
and 10 lovely Anonymous Donors...